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Avinash Singh Alag

Avinash Singh Alag

Founder & Headmaster

When Jesus told people “that you cannot live by bread alone,” there was a profound message in it. He meant, there is much more to life than just livelihood, working, earning and eating food. And, what is that? It is, the fact that we are part of the world which goes much beyond our own self. Read More

Bindu Mudgal

Bindu Mudgal


A child is not a legacy, but an independent individual and should be encouraged to be different from us.
One should not try and rule a child’s life and pressurize them to conform. Rather, let them be themselves, hold responsibility for their actions, explore, learn, experiment and fail. Read more

Vinita Chaube

Vinita Chaube

Deputy Headmistress

You make a living by what you get, You make a life with what you give.”
Education and lifelong learning helps weave the fabric for a peaceful and harmonious environment, in which the country and its citizens make progress by leaps and bounds. Read more

Vanshika Rastogi

Vanshika Rastogi

School Captain

Blossom School is one of the most successful schools in our city.
In that sense, I feel quite lucky to get education in one of the finest schools in our area.
My school is my pride! I feel greatly honored and happy to study in such a great institution of our country. Read more



Deputy School Caption

It’s my pleasure to study in Blossoms School. It is the place where magic happens and every child matters.
It is one of the finest schools in our city, and the best I have ever heard and seen.
The Teachers are very caring, passionate and motivate us to do better. Read more